Anidris: Pioneering Excellence in IT Infrastructure Management

IT Nation, May 23, 2024
For 15 years, Anidris has been supporting major Luxembourg players in managing their IT infrastructure projects, bringing together and maintaining advanced skills in the field.

When Giovanni Cuoco decided to found Anidris about fifteen years ago, it was primarily to bring together talents who shared a set of values important to him, with the aim of developing an offering driven by cutting-edge technological expertise. This former Sun Microsystems executive had a clear idea from the start of what he wanted to bring to the market. "The success of a company is primarily about its clients, the network it maintains, and grows over time," explains the CEO of Anidris. "By developing this activity in the field of infrastructure technologies, the goal was to be able to support players from a base of cutting-edge expertise, to advise and help them evolve their resources considering their needs and constraints. The ambition was to allow a group of employees, former colleagues recognized for their skills, to enjoy a working environment where flexibility, integrity, and proximity are promoted, with a true focus on customer satisfaction."

A Concentration of Expertise

For 15 years, Anidris has been supporting major players in the Luxembourg economy, helping them evolve and manage their IT infrastructure. The team, composed of young talents and experienced profiles, primarily acts as advisors, starting from understanding the needs of each organization, to recommend the most suitable solution. "We are agnostic regarding technologies. The goal is to be able to define the most appropriate architecture and make the best choices for the clients considering their ambitions and long-term perspectives," assures Giovanni Cuoco. Beyond consulting, Anidris supports them in implementing and managing their infrastructure through local support. "At the heart of our approach, we support the team in charge of managing the infrastructure by providing additional technical expertise in specific areas. All the engineering is done locally. In the eyes of our clients, this makes a big difference. We are committed to their side, with the desire to deliver the best service," continues the leader.

Increasingly Complex Needs

On this basis, Anidris is often called upon to act as a pioneer in certain technologies. It monitors developments and invests in developing specific skills that it then puts at the service of its clients. "In a few years, the issues inherent in infrastructure have changed significantly, with the emergence of the cloud or due to regulatory developments, around DORA or NIS2 for example," comments Remy Otin Eysseric, Head of Sales & Marketing at Anidris. "Our clients mostly rely on hybrid environments. At this level, it is about determining what architecture is most relevant given the various processes involved."

Anidris, in this support, does not just present a catalog of solutions. The challenge is to promote the best infrastructure for each client, integrating the various dimensions that need to be considered today.

Increasingly Complex Projects

"Beyond the technical elements, regulatory, functional, operational, and contractual constraints and requirements must be taken into account, as well as aspects related to security, governance, and access management," continues Remy Otin Eysseric. To properly understand each project, Anidris promotes a team approach. With about thirty employees, the company likes to involve the entire team in the projects it supports. This approach helps to strengthen each member's skills and develop team cohesion.

"One must not overlook the importance of supporting people through change, both within our teams and for our clients," adds Giovanni Cuoco. "Technological developments constantly require investing in talents, strengthening technical expertise, and developing soft skills. This is what we offer through our academy."
